02 March 2004

I "killed" my Palm last night, right after I clocked in for work. I had just installed an update to SpellCheck before leaving the house, despite the little voice in my head that told me "no, don't do it, just wait until you get home from work." Well, I didn't listen. I settled in at my spot at the counter (I'm not even lucky enough to have even a humble cubicle!), whipped out and fired up the Palm and "POOF!" One tap and I had myself a $250 paperweight! Well, at least until could get back home to restore all of my lost data and software... That pretty much screwed my night right into the ground.

Of course, shortly after returning home, the wretched plumbing crew arrived . . . apparently they'd forgotten to pound, grind and saw some stuff in yeaterday's pipe torture session. Fear not, they are doing a quite admirable job of making up for lost pounding time!

Later --ryan


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