18 August 2004

Have You Thought of Leonard Peltier Lately?

       By Harvey Arden et al, Edited by George Bowe Blitch
          $23 from Have You Thought Press, Houston, TX
             Publication Date September 12, 2004

THESE PAGES ARE HAUNTED by the living presence and soaring spirit of
Leonard Peltier, American Indian activist framed and railroaded nearly 30 years ago for a 'crime' that the whole world knows-or should know,
and certainly will after reading this book-that he never committed.  But
this book is not an argument for Peltier's innocence-which has long ago been proven and even admitted by the government that keeps him imprisoned lest its own crimes be exposed.  As Leonard himself has said, "Innocence is the weakest defense.  Innocence can only say over and over: "I didn't do it. Guilt has a thousand voices-all of them lies."

This book is a heartfelt, passionate, often angry compendium of
voices-including Leonard's own voice in several new pieces written for this book since his now-classic and best-selling PRISON WRITINGS: MY LIFE IS MY SUN DANCE (St. Martins Press, 1999), which was edited by WISDOMKEEPERS author and veteran National Geographic journalist Harvey Arden. Now Arden himself has an editor, George Bowe Blitch, who, in the book ~HAVE YOU THOUGHT of LEONARD PELTIER LATELY?~ has framed Arden's compelling and fascinating memoir of his grueling years championing Leonard Peltier's cause with a vivid gallery of other voices whose collective chorus rings out like a great cathedral choir for Leonard Peltier's freedom.  Those other voices-in addition to Leonard's own- include the latest legal updates from Leonard's fiery lawyer Barry Bachrach,  a brilliant summation of Leonard's 'case' by humanitarian and passionate Peltier-supporter for decades, Arthur J. Miller of Tacoma-LPSG (Leonard Peltier Support Group, and many many other stirring voices.

This book will not leave you unaffected.  As Lakota Wisdomkeeper Mathew King-Chief Noble Red Man-told Arden years ago:  "If you can touch people's hearts, you can change the world!"  And there's much in this rich volume that touches the heart--yes, your heart.  We WILL get Leonard out!!  Join us!!  Become what Leonard calls 'An Army of One' in the struggle against injustice.  With the help of my editor and friend George Bowe Blitch,  we have assembled this living record of my own and others agonizing struggle to save what remains of the life of one very extraordinary human being named Leonard Peltier-USP ('United States Prisoner') #89637-132-now beginning his 29th year as a 'houseguest in Hell' at Leavenworth for a crime he simply did not commit.  Please join us in seeking Leonard's freedom.

Official release date: September 12, 2004-Leonard's 60th birthday!
Please order your copy NOW at www.haveyouthought.com
or send a check made out to:'Have You Thought'
for $23 per copy + $5 s/h =$28.00  ($2 s/h for each add'l book)
and mail to:

Have You Thought
1410 Blalock Road, #420
Houston, TX 77055

Libraries, stores, wholesalers, distributors, booksellers: contact


Also be sure to visit Leonard's own website www.LeonardPeltier.org
              ~Please distribute widely.  Thanks!~


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