12 September 2004

Republican A**holes

George Bush was walking by the steps of the Capitol one hot day and
saw Dick Cheney sitting on the steps. George asks Dick, "What are you
doing sitting here?" Dick replies, "My hemorrhoids are killing me and
warm steps make them feel better." George's hemorrhoids were
bothering him too, so he sat down on the warm steps also. Then along
came Tom Ridge and he asked them what they were doing sitting on the steps. They told him and he said, "You know, I have trouble with
hemorrhoids too." And he sat down. Rev. Jessie Jackson happened to
pass by and of course, asked them why they were sitting on the steps
of the Capitol. They said, "Our hemorrhoids are killing us!" Then
George said, "Rev. Jackson, I've been told you have a direct hotline
to God. Do you think you could pray for us so we could get some help
with our problem?" Rev. Jackson folded his hands and looked up at the
sky and said, "Dear Lord, help these a**holes!"


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