12 October 2007

MoveOn Kentucky Needs YOU...

Dear Kentucky Voter,

Across the country, people are watching Kentucky.

In less than four weeks, Kentucky voters will choose their next governor. It's one of the only state-wide elections in the nation this year—and it's a big race. Sen. Mitch McConnell is working hard to get Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher re-elected, despite rampant corruption in the Fletcher administration.[1]

So this race is a big deal for the future of Kentucky, and it has turned into a bellwether for the entire nation—will voters give the boot to morally bankrupt Republican politicians?

To win, we need to get thousands of progressive-leaning but infrequent voters to the polls. We've put together an exciting plan to turn out thousands of folks who agree with us but wouldn't otherwise participate. We'll talk to them, tell them about the importance of the race, and remind them where and when to cast their ballot.

We need your help to reach voters in a targeted neighborhood in Lexington. Can you commit to being a Block Captain? It's easy, local, and very effective. Click here to learn more and sign up as a Block Captain in Lexington:


This couldn't be an easier or more critical role. When you become a Block Captain, we'll give you all the tools you need—lists of registered voters, materials, training, and support from other volunteers and staff organizers. It's local, it's easy, it won't take much time, and it'll help Kentucky show the way for the rest of the country.

And it's an exciting moment to be a volunteer. While the rest of the country dreams about the 2008 presidential election, Kentuckians are in campaign mode—hitting the phones, knocking on doors, and starting to gear up for November 6th.

We're combining online outreach with old-fashioned face-to-face organizing. Friends are talking to friends, and neighbors are talking to neighbors, because that's the best way to motivate people to care and vote. And with thousands of infrequent progressive voters in Lexington, we need your help to reach all of them.

Will you get involved in this exciting campaign? We've got great organizers who will back you up every step of the way. You'll meet other motivated Lexington MoveOn members, and you'll have a blast talking to local folks about this important election.


Please help turn Kentucky blue this year, and blaze a trail for the rest of the country as we look toward 2008.

Thanks for all you do,

–Adam R., Tanya, Matt, Anna, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007


1. "Indictment for Governor of Kentucky," New York Times, http://www.moveon.org/r?r=3045&id=&t=4

Support our member-driven organization: MoveOn.org Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:


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