Where's Waldo...?
"Where is Osama boys and girls? Shout if you see him!"
Please! Curious George Bu$h couldn't find his own johnson with both hands and a compass! But you just wait and watch, see how long it takes for the Bu$h Administration to announce "credible evidence" that Osama's hiding out in Iran...
US Believes Bin Laden Still Alive
Osama Bin Laden and his deputy are thought to be living in the area of a missile strike apparently aimed at Ayman al-Zawahiri, the US says.
US counter-terrorism ambassador Henry Crumpton said the al-Qaeda leader and his number two were believed to be in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region.
Al-Qaeda retained the aim of attacking the US, UK and Europe, he said.
The US has not commented on the attack on a Pakistan village on Friday that killed 18 civilians.
US media said the attack was carried out by the CIA. Thousands of Pakistanis later staged anti-American demonstrations.
Mr Crumpton told the BBC: "I am very confident we will at some point get al-Qaeda's leadership, and we believe they are in that area.
"We have no intelligence or evidence that indicates that he [Bin Laden] is dead or incapacitated, so our working assumption is that he is still alive."
The ambassador added: "I should also note, no sign of life from Bin Laden, I think that reflects our collective success.
"I think and certainly hope that they are more concerned about staying alive than plotting the next 9/11."
But he warned: "Al-Qaeda and affiliated groups have a strategic aim of attacking the US homeland - that is their intent, we believe they are working toward that.
"I think also they intend to attack the UK again, and Europe."
Mr Crumpton also said the US did not "support, condone or engage in torture" of prisoners.
"Our efforts in counter-terrorism are complex, often secret, therefore that engenders some misunderstanding, some misperceptions, exaggerations."
But he added: "In terms of detainees and prisoners, information they provide is extraordinarily valuable - it has saved lives, it has stopped attacks in Europe and elsewhere."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/01/17 07:57:48 GMT
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