Munich Slams the Door on Windows
Well, at least the Germans can the read the writing on the wall... Hmmm, I wonder how long it will take for some Microsoft shill to label the city of Munich as anti-American supporters of terrorism? At least Munich's taxpayers will get their money's worth from Linux.
Munich Linux decision official: "Bloomberg News reports that Linux has officially won 14,000 municipal desktops in Munich, Germany, after a year-long decision process that saw Microsoft reduce their pricing and merited a visit from Microsoft CEO Steve Baller. The 82-member city council formally votes tomorrow on a proposal to dump Windows NT for Linux. Bloomberg says a published agenda for the meeting notes the switch to open source.
In April 2002, German Heise Online reported that the city was examining Linux over privacy concerns and yearly fees. Munich selected Linux and issued a press statement regarding the move from Windows just a year later...
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