25 March 2004

Important FYI!

Only 100 shopping days are left until the Tour de France begins!

That is all.


Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!

23 March 2004

PFC. Lori Ann Piestewa (Hopi)

Please remember our fallen sister, United States Army PFC. Lori Piestewa (Hopi) and her Family in your Prayers. Today marks the first anniversary of her death in combat at Nasiriyah Iraq while serving with 507th Maitenance Company of the 5-52 Army Air Defense Artillery Battalion.

Please send Smoke and Prayers for her safe Spirit Journey on the Holy Red Road.
Please send Smoke Prayers to her Children.
Please send Smoke Prayers to her Parents.
Please send Smoke Prayers to the Hopi Nation.
Please send Smoke Prayers to all of the Native Warriors in harms way on this Day.

Walk in Beauty --ryan

"In Beauty, this begins.
In Beauty, the Day arrives.

I will protect myself with this Corn Pollen.
I will protect myself with this Eagle Feather.
I will protect myself with my Prayers.

I will live a Beautiful Life.

May my Children be raised in Beauty.
May my Children be protected in Beauty.
May my thoughts be Beautiful.
May I speak in Beauty.

Beauty before me.
Beauty behind me.
Beauty above me.
Beauty beneath me.
Beauty all around me.

I am Beauty.
I walk in Beauty.

It is finished in Beauty.
It is finished in Beauty.
It is finished in Beauty..."

All My Relations

Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!


A Good Friend sent me this in my e-mail today:

"At an airport one night
With several long hours
Before her flight.
She hunted for a book
In the airport shop,
Bought a bag of cookies
And found a place to drop."

"She was engrossed in her book
But happened to see,
That the man sitting beside her,
As bold as could be,
Grabbed a cookie or two
From the bag in between,
Which she tried to ignore
To avoid a scene."

"So she munched the cookies
And watched the clock,
As the gutsy cookie thief
Diminished her stock.
She was getting more irritated
As the minutes ticked by,
Thinking, 'If I wasn't so nice,
I would blacken his eye.'"

"With each cookie she took,
He took one too,
When only one was left,
She wondered what he would do.
With a smile on his face,
And a nervous laugh,
He took the last cookie
And broke it in half."

"He offered her half,
As he ate the other,
She snatched it from him
And thought... ooh, brother!
This guy has some nerve
And he's also rude,
Why he didn't even show
Any gratitude!"

"She had never known
When she had been so galled,
And sighed with relief
When her flight was called.
She gathered her belongings
And headed to the gate,
Refusing to look back
At the thieving ingrate."

"She boarded the plane,
And sank in her seat,
Then she sought her book,
Which was almost complete.
As she reached in her baggage,
She gasped with surprise,
There was her bag of cookies,
In front of her eyes."

"If mine are here,
She moaned in despair,
The others were his,
And he tried to share.
Too late to apologize,
She realized with grief,
That she was the rude one,
The ingrate, the thief!"

"How many times have we absolutely known that something was a certain way, only to discover later that what we believed to be true...was not?

Always, Keep An Open Mind And An Open Heart, Because......
You Just Never Know...You might be eating someone else's cookies!"

Words to live by in this day and age we live in...

Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!

21 March 2004

Quote of the Week

"God is NOT a Christian..."
~Bishop Desmond Tutu

Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!

07 March 2004

Quote of the Week

"All things share the same Breath..the Beast, the Tree, the man: the Air
shares its Spirit with all Life it supports..."
~~Chief Seattle (Suquamish)

Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!

06 March 2004

This Weeks Stuff

Just in case anyone is interested in things I've indulged in this week, here are the highlights...

Books I'm reading this week:
"The Codex" by Douglas Preston
"The Rabbit Factory" by Larry Brown
"Utopia" by Lincoln Child

Music I'm listening to this week:
"Desert Grooves" by various artists
"It Happened One Night" by Holly Cole
"Kali Thunder" by James Asher
"Star People" by Brulé
"Verved/Remixed2" by various artists

Pen's I'm using this week:
Pelikan GO with Pelikan 4001 "Koeningsblau" Ink
Giuliano Mazzuolli "Officina- Micrometre" with Private Reserve "Naples Blue" ink.

How about you tell me about your stuff?


Please visit JohnnaRyry's Broomwagon!

02 March 2004

I "killed" my Palm last night, right after I clocked in for work. I had just installed an update to SpellCheck before leaving the house, despite the little voice in my head that told me "no, don't do it, just wait until you get home from work." Well, I didn't listen. I settled in at my spot at the counter (I'm not even lucky enough to have even a humble cubicle!), whipped out and fired up the Palm and "POOF!" One tap and I had myself a $250 paperweight! Well, at least until could get back home to restore all of my lost data and software... That pretty much screwed my night right into the ground.

Of course, shortly after returning home, the wretched plumbing crew arrived . . . apparently they'd forgotten to pound, grind and saw some stuff in yeaterday's pipe torture session. Fear not, they are doing a quite admirable job of making up for lost pounding time!

Later --ryan

Tonight is the beginning of "Hell Month" for me, I'm referring to my work schedule for March. I have a supervisor who seems to hate, more than anything, having to actually work. Because of this he will do anything to manipulate anyone working for him to squeeze every last minute out them for his schedule, so he doesn't have to work. He is an anatomical impossibility: he simulataneously sucks AND blows! Gee, I hope he doesn't implode...

Johnna (my wife) made it safely home from Seattle late Saturday night. She had been away on her very first business trip for the library. I'm so very proud of her! She brought back some very precious cargo: an Alder-Smoked Sockeye Salmon. It should be quite tasty with some of Johnna's frybread...
